Charity fund that is an example of kindness, friendship, and collegiality

Charity fund that is an example of kindness, friendship, and collegiality

In Georgia “Aversi” is a company with one of the highest social responsibilities that helped countless distressed people.

 “Aversi" group's member-organization National Center of Surgery shares a company's social politics and actively participates in charity works of various types.

This time we would like to tell you about the charity fund “Aversi people for  Aversi people”, whose members are employees of National Center of Surgery.

We can call this fund a true example of kindness, friendship, and collegiality because the number of lives saved by the fund demonstrates one more time how many kind deeds can be done by symbolically donating 1, 2, 5 or 10 Gel a month.

 “Aversi” clinic’s head of the rehabilitation center Maia Kurtanidze arranged a presentation about the charity fund in the conference hall of National Center of Surgery. 

As Ms. Kurtanidze stated, the fund “Aversi people for Aversi people" was funded in 2013 and currently, it includes all companies in the "Aversi” group.

The membership fee is proportionally determined based on the take-home wage. The membership is voluntary and if desired, the employees have the possibility to increase their donation money to the fund.

Since 2013 the fund financed health of the 94 employees and their family members.

It should be noted that the idea of the fund establishment was preceded by the severely critical health condition of one of the Aversi people, a completely young man who was in a vital need of heart surgery in the shortest time and the family didn't have an appropriate financial means. In such hard times, all employees of pharmaceutical company “Aversi Pharma” and “Aversi” pharmaceutical chain stood together. Pharmacists of “Aversi" pharmacies all over Georgia had expressed their desire to help. With the joint efforts, the amount of money necessary for the emergency treatment was collected in the shortest time and the young man's life was saved.

Such type of help wasn't foreign in the organization and thus, the idea of the fund establishment was met with big enthusiasm from employees of the "Aversi” group’s other companies. Each one of them realizes with full responsibility that even 1 Gel donated from the salary is a huge comfort for the employee and his/her family members.

The presentation ended with these inspiring words – “Aversi people’s potential has no boundaries, but “Aversi" as a united team of strong people increases that potential even more because strength is in unity"

The speech was very emotional. After the presentation, many new employees sought National Center of Surgery’s human resources management services with a desire to join the fund. 

Wish you health!