What is the normal range of arterial pressure during pregnancy and how often should pregnant women measure her pressure?

Pregnancy is the most valuable gift!

During pregnancy, a woman should take care of herself as well as her future life. Pregnancy is a great challenge for the body, along with great expectations and joy. Pressure changes during pregnancy are often. More often the pressure is decreased, but on the contrary, it may rise.

The obstetrician-gynecologist of the clinic of the National Center of Surgery – “New Life”,Ketevan Iordnishvili, is talking about blood pressure during pregnancy.

Clinic of National Center of Surgery "New Life" is a multi-field clinic where medical services are available for 24 hours.

All the essential services necessary for health are implemented at the clinic.

At the clinic "New Life" all the necessary departments function for full management of pregnancy and childbirth: outpatient services, obstetrics and gynecology department, neonatal service, anesthesiologic and postoperative service.

Important services are available at the clinic: planning of pregnancy, pregnancy management, delivery and newborn care in one space, performing gynecological operations of all types and complexity.

Dr. Keti Iordanishvili is talking about hypertension during pregnancy. She also advises pregnant women how to measure blood pressure properly and how often should they do so.

"Hypertension also develops and the chance that this is due to physiological change is less. The reason for high blood pressure can be a pathology before pregnancy, which is called chronic hypertension or the cause of its development may be pregnancy itself. In this case, we talk about pregnancy hypertension, which can be divided as transient hypertension, preeclampsia, and eclampsia. At this time, the case is more serious and the condition may be complicated by preeclampsia-eclampsia.

Considering that the complicated form of the condition may cause a serious threat to the life of the fetus and the mother, I think the extent and relevance of the problem is clear.

Unfortunately, the cause of the disease is unknown. The main pathogenesis of the disease is a violation of blood circulation between placenta and uterus. This causes the development of thrombosis, hemorrhages. The disease involves almost all organs of the body - nervous, urinary, cardiovascular systems, liver, etc. The disease may be the cause of the death of the fetus and the mother. In general, it is one of the major causes of mortality worldwide.

During the severe preeclampsia-eclampsia, the risk of prenatal mortality increases fivefold and the risk of stillbirth increases 9.6 times. Despite the fact that the etiology of the disease is unknown, its risk factors are well known. That's why women in the risk group need special care and monitoring to prevent severe complications, " says the gynecologist.

-What is considered high blood pressure for a pregnant woman?

- 140/100 mmHg.

- What happens when the blood pressure of the pregnant woman is low?

- Low pressure is frequent finding, which is the result of changes in the body of the woman in pregnancy and at certain stage belongs to the physiology of pregnancy; After conception, blood flow to the true pelvic cavity increases – to supply the uterus adequately. In addition, the circulating blood volume increases, which increases the workload of the heart. The heart may not tolerate increased workload and the pressure may decrease. Blood pressure 90-60 mm is still considered normal. If the pressure indicator has dropped below this numbers we are already talking about hypotension.

- Correct measurement of pressure is very important! How should blood pressure be measured during pregnancy?

- Yes, correct measurement of pressure is of great importance. We have to measure the pressure in the sitting position. The elbow and shoulder bone should form a 145 degree angle. The pressure is measured twice, after a 10-minute interval, at heart level, on both hands. The highest numbers are considered correct. A pregnant woman should be relaxed – pressure should not be measured after climbing stairs, running, having a meal or stressful situations.

-How often should a pregnant woman get her blood pressure checked?

- Blood pressure measurement occurs on all antenatal visits during physiological pregnancy.

If a pregnant woman has some complaints, such as a headache, weakness, dizziness, etc. then the pressure control is recommended.

If hypertension is diagnosed, it is recommended to control the blood pressure every morning and evening.


- How do you manage hypertension of pregnant woman at the clinic "New Life?

- Transient hypertension is caused by pregnancy. It appears from 20 weeks of pregnancy and lasts for 6 weeks after childbirth (unlike chronic hypertension which occurs before the 20 weeks and persists 6 weeks after delivery). During this, the blood pressure does not exceed 150/100 mmHg and does not show multi-organ failure, swelling or other symptoms. The severe form of pregnancy-induced hypertension is a preeclampsia, where high blood pressure is complicated with proteinuria (proteins in the urine) and swelling. The disease may progress to the most severe complication – eclampsia. In this case, seizures, decreased mental clarity and other problems are added to the complaints

As you see these women need complete clinical-laboratory studies and appropriate hospital treatment. Treatment of severe form of hypertension is conducted at our clinic by the Protocol approved by the Ministry of Health Care, which is provided at our clinic.

The clinic “New Life” address: Tbilisi, Digomi Lubliana street №21a

You can contact the Call-center of the clinic “New Life” at 577 05 99 00;

If you have some questions, you can contact the obstetrician-gynecologist of the clinic “New Life” Ketevan Iordanishvili at 577 32 71 19  

Wish you health!