The banquet hall of the restaurant "Funicular" hosted the corporate evening of the National Center of Surgery.
The Celebration Dinner was led by the actor Duta Skhirtladze. The corporate evening was enriched with humor, cheerful atmosphere and mutual respect, which was enhanced with rich and diverse music program. The folklore group "Lacada" was accompanying the evening by their music. Also, the famous Georgian singer Lasha Ghlonti, who became part of the city trio, sang favorites songs of most people. Foreign hits were performed by Sophio Simonishvili. Group "Gremi" dancers lit the real fire on the stage by their performance. Thanks to this concert, corporate evening was beautiful, interesting and full of emotion.
Video clip, which was made especially for this evening, will remain as a chronicle of the National Center of Surgery. The heads of the Departments summarized the last year's achievements and talked about the future strategies of their departments. You could have found information about the new services of hospital in the video.
At the corporate evening, the clinic employees were awarded with prize money and vacation packages.
The winners of various nominations have been revealed after the greeting speeches of the founder of the company "Aversi" Paata Kurtanidze, Director of the National Center of Surgery, Lasha Bazadze and Chairperson of the Supervisory Board of the National Center of Surgery, Tea Gamezardashvili.
Prize money was awarded to our clinic nurses and nursing assistants in the following nominations:
• The best chief nurse of the National Center of Surgery - Natia Melua
• The best nursing assistant of the National Center of Surgery – Elene Mamuchashvili
• The best nursing assistant of the National Center of Surgery - Madona Bughadze
• The best nursing assistant of the National Center of Surgery - Mariam Gogoladze
• The best nurse of the National Center of Surgery - Tea Bakuzanashvili
• The best nurse of the National Center of Surgery - Eka Abuladze
• The best nurse of the National Center of Surgery - Saba Abutidze
• The best operating room nurse of the National Center of Surgery - Marekhi Butskhrikidze
After the nurses, the prizes were awarded to the residents of the clinic.
The winners are:
• The resident of the year of the National Center of Surgery - Anzor Nadiradze
• The best resident of the National Center of Surgery - David Janongev
• The best resident of the National Center of Surgery - Giorgi Kiknadze
The winners were presented by the clinical director of the National Center of Surgery Mr. Nikoloz Chaduneli and Mr. Zviad Martiashvili, the director of the clinic "New Life".
The winners of the following nominations were awarded with prize money at the summarizing corporate party:
• The best employee of Call Center of the National Center of Surgery - Kristi Chapidze
• The best receptionist of the National Center of Surgery - Maia Dzneladze
• The best Operator of the National Center of Surgery - Eliso Gagloshvili
• The best Manager of the National Center of Surgery - Khatia Bajelidze
• The best steward of the National Center of Surgery - Rati Kartvelishvili
• The best employee in administration of the National Center of Surgery - Tamar Meurmishvili
• The best employee of the Quality Service of the National Center of Surgery - Nino Gogoladze
A nomination – the most collegiate doctor was won by the physician, reanimatologist – Sergo Tsivtsivadze, who was awarded with prize money.
The nomination "The best Debut of the National Center of Surgery" was won by Giorgi Jinchveladze, angiologist of the Angiovascular department, who was awarded with prize money.
The nomination "Miss National Center of Surgery " and a title the most beautiful girl of 2017 was won by the receptionist of the National Center of Surgery - Nunu Zabakhidze, who was awarded with a prize money.
The employees who were awarded with vacation packages were announced.
The prizes were awarded to:
• The hardest working doctor of the National Center of Surgery - Sophio Gudava
• The best Defender of quality of the National Center of Surgery - Sophio Babutsidze;
• For the contribution to the development of the clinic of the National Center of Surgery of "New Life" - Tatia Tskhomelidze,
• The best advocate of the economic interests of the National Center of Surgery - Temur Megrelishvili;
• The best employee in the economic service of the National Center of Surgery - Sophio Nikachadze
• The best representative of medical marketing at the National Center of Surgery - Mariam Tsereteli;
• The golden employee of the administration – hard-working, loyalty, stability - David Bichiashvili;
• Author of the best medical history of the National Center of Surgery - Khatuna Berinashvili;
• The most competent doctor of the National Center of Surgery - Mindia Iobashvili,
• A head of the most successful department of the National Center of Surgery - Maia Bezhanishvili;
• A head of Department with the best performance of the National Center of Surgery - Eka Neparidze;
• A surgeon performing the most number of operations of the National Center of Surgery;- Lekso Lagvilava
• A head of the department with the best medical outcomes of the National Center of Surgery – Marekh Bekaia
• A doctor of the National Center of Surgery who has treated the most number of patients - Tata Zubiashvili;
• The best Surgeon of the National Center of Surgery - Giorgi Egutidze;
• Supporter of patients and Aversi - Tatuli Gubeladze.
The party has ended with the cutting of the beautiful thematic cake and fireworks arranged on the funicular balcony.