Exclusive case and method of oncological treatment at the National Center of Surgery
In the article you will find the following information:
- The function of the pancreas;
- Tumor symptoms;
- Risk factors;
- Clinical case of distal pancreatectomy.
The pancreas is a digestive posterior gland and it is one of the most important organs. It has two functions in our body. First - endocrine secretion produces the hormone insulin and normalizes glucose levels. The second, no less important function is to participate in the process of digestion with bile.
Unfortunately, in many cases, pancreatic tumors are only clinically manifested in advanced and complicated cases. Therefore, it is necessary,
To pay attention to symptoms such as:
- Pain in the abdomen that radiates (transmits) to the spinal area;
- Decreased appetite;
- Unreasonable weight loss;
- Diabetes;
- General weakness;
- Jaundice.
Ultrasound, computed tomography, pancreatic biopsy, and other types of radiological studies are widely used to diagnose and study the pathology of distal pancreatectomy.
Definite risk factors to consider:
- Diabetes;
- Pancreatitis;
- Family history of pancreatic cancer;
- Hereditary diseases;
- Tobacco consumption;
- Excess weight.
The patient, upon entering the clinic, complained of pain and discomfort in the epigastrium. Abdominal computed tomography was performed for diagnosis. CT scan revealed a tumor on the body of the pancreas, which is one of the most aggressive tumors. Its exact location was determined. Oncosurgical treatment was planned - distal pancreatectomy (left resection of the body).
The operation was led by Gigo Pichkhaia, General Surgeon, Oncologist, and Head of the Surgery Department. Assistants: Davit Jimsheleishvili, Murtaz Bokhua, and anesthesiologist Revaz Vacheishvili.
According to the protocol, the patient underwent atypical pancreatectomy (removal of part of the pancreas) under general anesthesia, splenectomy (excision of the spleen) with regional lymph dissection (removal of lymph nodes and blood vessels with adipose tissue), and tissue and omentectomy (resection of adipose tissue). After a distal pancreatectomy was performed, the patient was placed in the postoperative ward. After conducting antibacterial therapy, in a stable condition and with positive dynamics, the patient was discharged from the hospital with an appropriate recommendation, and at this stage, to rule out the presence of a specific picture or any signs characteristic of the tumor is under the supervision of a clinical oncologist.
It is noteworthy that at the National Center of Surgery, each patient's case is reviewed and the treatment decision is made with a multidisciplinary approach consisting of invited radiation therapy experts from an oncologist, clinical oncologist, radiation oncologist, from Spain, Germany, and the USA.
A thorough diagnosis performed by such a highly qualified and multidisciplinary team ensures the selection of an adequate method of treatment, the determination of the prognosis and the assessment of the suitability of the surgical method, and the monitoring of treatment results is the maximum guarantee of safety for patients.
Wish you health!
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