Endocrinologist advises - what can you eat to reduce bad cholesterol?

Endocrinologist advises - what can you eat to reduce bad cholesterol?

Cholesterol is an organic compound that plays an important role in our body.

It is the part of the cell plasma membrane. Cholesterol is necessary for the production of steroid hormones, bile acids, vitamin D. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous and immune system.

Total cholesterol is divided into fractions: low density, "bad" cholesterol and high density - "good" cholesterol. The imbalance between them needs to be corrected.

Improper cholesterol metabolism (increase of "bad" cholesterol and/or reduction of "good") causes atherosclerosis. At this time, the formation of an atherosclerotic plaque occurs on the wall of the blood vessel, which impedes blood flow, increases the risk of mortality due to cardiovascular diseases.

Risk factors that lead to high cholesterol level: age (over 40 years), gender (more common among men), genetic predisposition (Family history), smoking, obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle. It can also develop as a result of thyroid gland dysfunction, kidney and liver diseases or after taking some medications.

Eating what food should be avoided in order to prevent high cholesterol, what are the products reducing the level of "bad" cholesterol and how do you treat this problem at the National Center of Surgery?

The endocrinologist of the National Center of Surgery, Anna Chokhonelidze, talked about this topic.

"At The National Center of Surgery, we assess the patient's medical history and the risk factors, conducts clinical and laboratory studies. Then we individually select the treatment methods: a healthy lifestyle, an individual diet, and if necessary, include medication in the treatment process," says the endocrinologist.

- Eating what food should be avoided in order to prevent high cholesterol, and what are the products reducing the level of "bad" cholesterol?


- It is desirable to limit saturated fats, trans fats. According to current recommendations, a diet of a person should consist of 50% carbohydrates, 20% of proteins and not more than 30% of fats. Saturated fats and trans fats should be less than 10% of the total calories.


Men should consume less than 30 grams of saturated fat throughout the day, and women- not more than 20 grams


The following products are characterized by a high content of saturated fats:


• Pieces of fatty meat;


• Meat products, sausages, pies with meat, etc.;


• Butter, animal fat, lard;


• Cheese, especially hard cheese;


• Sour cream, cream and ice cream;


• Biscuits, cakes, and confectionery based on animal fat.


Thus, like saturated fats, trans fats can increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, therefore it is recommended that the allowable amount of energy obtained from trans fats does not exceed 2% of total energy.


Trans fats are contained in the following substances: hydrogenated vegetable oil, vegetable margarine, and a fat substitute.


Fats that can be consumed in high amount (unsaturated fats.)


Remember that not all types of fats are harmful to the body. On the contrary, some fats are essential and need to be consumed in high amounts. Replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fats helps the body lower the level of "bad" cholesterol and increase the level of "good" cholesterol.

Unsaturated fats, such as Omega-3, known as the essential fatty acid, can be found in the following products:


• Fatty fish, such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel;


• Nuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds, cocoa, etc.;


• Sunflower and Olive oil;


• Unsaturated fats are found in fruits and vegetables.


Products that can lower cholesterol:


• Avocado;


• Tea;


• Nuts;


• Fish;


• Black chocolate;


• Soybean;


• Beans;


• Fruit (apple, pear, orange, lemon, berry smoothie);


• Vegetables (especially eggplant).



National Center of Surgery address – Tbilisi, Digomi Chachava street N5.;

You can contact the Call-center of the National Center of Surgery at 577 11 91 19 or 2 02 25 25;

If you have some questions, you can contact the endocrinologist of the National Center of Surgery Ana Chokhonelidze at 595 57 43 17;

Wish you health!