Free consultation with an ophthalmologist

Free consultation with an ophthalmologist

The Ophthalmology Service of the National Center of Surgery takes care of the prevention of diseases of the organ of sight, their timely, differential diagnosis, and complete treatment.

In case of any vision-related complaints, as part of the clinic promotion, patients aged 60 and over will receive a free consultation with an ophthalmologist with all necessary manipulations (except for the selection of glasses).

The most common eye diseases are:

  • Glaucoma - a group of diseases, caused by an increase in intraocular pressure;
  • Cataract - a degenerative process of the eye crystal;
  • Diabetic retinopathy - a chronic, progressive, disease potentially causing vision loss;
  • Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD)- When a person finds it difficult to discern the details in the center of the field of vision, literacy, even straight lines appears to be indirect.


The promotion includes the following ophthalmological examinations:


  1. Ophthalmoscopy - examination of the fundus of the eye;
  2. Biomicroscopy - diagnosis of the fissured lumen;
  3. Visometry - determination of visual acuity;
  4. Tonometry - the measurement of intraocular pressure.

You should take advantage of the promotion if you have any complaints such as:

  • Eye pain;
  • Blurred or complete loss of vision;
  • Decreased color vision;
  • Black dots or lights in the field of vision;
  • Swelling of the eyebrows and eyelids;
  • Deterioration of vision at night;
  • Increased sensitivity to light;
  • Double vision in one eye;
  • Other types of unusual symptoms.

The promotion is valid every Wednesday!

If you want to take advantage of this promotion, please register in advance at 577 119 119 or 2 02 25 25.

Wish you health!

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