Today our respondent is the head of the Gynecology Department of National Center of Surgery, Mindia Iobashvili.
Mindia Iobashvili finished the Faculty of Medicine at Tbilisi State Medical University. He’s been an invited lecturer at the Department of Obstetrics-Gynecology of Tbilisi State Medical University, as well as a specialist of doctor’s postgraduate education and the local head of the junior doctors since 2009. He’s been working as the head of the Gynecology Department of National Center of Surgery since 2012.
- When and why did you choose your profession and the particular field you work in?
- Being a doctor has been my calling since childhood, whereas, I'd decided to become an obstetrician, join the field of gynecology, after the first time I witnessed childbirth and experienced the joy of birthing a new life as a fourth-year student of State Medical University.
- What does it mean to be a doctor for you?
- Being a doctor isn’t just a profession, it's an essence of life and lifestyle. Being a doctor means fully listening to the sincere conversation with the person who’s come to you, sympathizing with his/her pain, recognizing and treating the disease according to his/her complaints, but being a doctor, first and foremost, is the greatest responsibility towards those people who entrusted you with their lives and health.
- What do you consider the biggest challenge to this profession?
- I consider subduing human weaknesses and desire the biggest challenge to this profession, you have to overcome them if you want to become a real doctor.
- What is the greatestwish and goal you’d like to achieve in your professional career?
- The greatest wish and goal is having as many cured patients and newborns as possible in my professional career.
- What advice would you give to those who are choosing their profession now?
- I advise them to trust their heart if they want to become a doctor, but definitely keep in mind – they should dedicate an essential part of their lives to this profession, comprehend its’ difficulty, that work schedule isn’t normal, that they’ll have to experience many sleepless and anxious nights, albeit they should know that words of grateful patients and their animated gazes are truly worth all of that.
- What do you think about the latest challenge to medicine – COVID 19?
- I think that modern medicine will overcome this challenge as well and this too will pass very soon.
- How do you see the development of your field even in 10 years?
- Obstetrics-gynecology is the traditional field of medicine, albeit advanced technologies broke through our reality, that’s why, I think, we will use artificial intelligence and minimally invasive interventions more frequently, also the relations with radiology, endocrinology, immunology, oncology and plastic surgery will be tighter.
Wish you health!