From the end of the 5th week of pregnancy, the heart begins to beat in the embryo, from the 26th week of pregnancy, the fetus learns to open its eyes - how does the baby grow during 9 months?

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful and enjoyable periods in a woman’s life.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, adequate nutrition, and adequate hygiene are the most important for the health of a pregnant woman and the proper development of the fetus.

Any emotion of the mother affects the fetus. Symptoms caused by pregnancy, for example: vomiting, nausea, heartburn, mood changes can sometimes cause discomfort in the future mother, but with the right approach it is quite possible to cope with these minor problems.

Pregnancy lasts for 38-40 weeks from the first day of the last menstruation.

The fertilized egg moves to the uterine (fallopian) tubes, begins the division process, first into two, then into 4–8 cells and a blastocyst is formed (consists of more than 100 cells of the fertilized egg).

5-7 days after fertilization, a blastocyst is attaching to the wall of the uterus. This process is called implantation. Then begins the growth and development of a fertilized egg, that is already an embryo.

After implantation, the formation of the placenta and umbilical cord begins, which ensures the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. The embryo is located in the amniotic membrane filled with fluid, which has a protective function.

What does my child look like, what is the size of my baby, how has he/she changed this week? This is a small list of questions that always concern the parents.

That is why we decided to provide information to our reader on how does the fetus develop within 9 months.

The head of the antenatal monitoring department of the clinic of the National Center of Surgery "New Life", an obstetrician-gynecologist Tatia Tskhomelidze, talked with us on this important topic.

"During the first month, the spinal cord and nerves begin to form, at the end of 6 weeks the embryo has a head and a body. By about the end of 5 weeks, the embryo consists of 3 layers. The outer layer forms the brain, nerves and skin, the middle layer - bones, muscular system, blood vessels, heart and genitals, the inner layer - the stomach, the liver, intestines, lungs, and urinary system "- says Dr. Tatia.


That's how your baby grows during 9 months!


The first 2 months (week 1-8):

  • The spinal cord and nerves begin to form during the first month, so it is very important to take folic acid before 13 weeks of pregnancy;
  • The first 2 months are particularly critical for the development of the embryo.
  • Various environmental factors, medications, and viruses can cause congenital defects, so consult with a doctor timely;
  • At the end of the 6th week, the embryo has a head and a body;
  • In the second month, the embryo grows very quickly and by the end of the second month the main organs and systems begin to develop;
  • By week 7 after fertilization, the size of the embryo is 13 mm;


Third month (week 9-13):

  • The length of your baby is 63-76 mm, weight is 28 grams;
  • 20 buds are formed in the oral cavity;
  • Thin hair develops on the baby’s skin;
  • A place for the nail plate begins to form on the fingers and toes;
  • The arms of the fetus are more developed than the legs;
  • The heart of the fetus consists of 4 chambers;
  • The heart rate of the fetus is 120-160 beats/min;


Fourth month (week 14-17):

  • The length of your baby is 10-17 cm;
  • The child is already moving and can already swallow;
  • Has the ability to put a thumb into his/her mouth;
  • Has a sucking reflex;
  • Can change facial expressions;
  • By week 15, a fetus size is similar to a medium-sized apple;


What changes does the mother experience by the end of the fourth month?

This is the month when a woman begins to "feel pregnant."

You can feel small palpitations in the lower abdomen, this is a movement of the fetus.

Mothers, carrying their first baby, may feel a fetal movement a bit later.

The belly is already noticeable, and it is time to update the wardrobe - wear clothes for pregnant women.

At this time, nausea, vomiting, and tension in the chest are reduced, although skin pigmentation may change, appetite increases and a sense of the difficulty breathing may increase.

For each woman, the pregnancy period proceeds differently, and all pregnancies are different, so you may experience all or none of the symptoms.

It is possible to gain 5-7 kilos in this period.


Fifth month (week 18-21):

  • The length of your baby is 25 cm and weight 226-450 grams;
  • The baby is more active;
  • Wakes up and falls asleep at regular intervals;
  • During this month, your baby grows rapidly;
  • The arms and legs are already proportional to the body;
  • The internal organs are fully developed;


What changes does the mother experience by the end of the fifth month?

  • There may be whitish vaginal discharge;
  • Bleeding from the gums;
  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • Constipation, heartburn, bloating;
  • Leg cramps;
  • Heart palpitation;
  • Some pregnant women may experience premature discharge from the mammary glands (colostrum), which is normal;
  • The optimal weight gain during this period is 3 kg;


            Sixth month (week 22-26):

  • The length of the baby is 31-35 cm, weight is 900 grams;
  • By this time, the fetus is almost fully formed;
  • The skin of the fetus is wrinkled, subcutaneous fatty tissue is developing;
  • The fetus distinguishes voices better;


Seventh month (week 27-30):

  • The length of the baby is 38-40 cm, weight 1100-1300 grams;
  • The eyelids are separated and the child can open the eyes;
  • Reacts to light and sounds;
  • The brain and nervous system develop very intensively;

Eighth month (week 31-35):

  • The length of the baby is 45-48 cm, weight is 1800-2200 grams;
  • Intensive growth of brain tissue continues;
  • The fetus is already quite large and less moving;
  • A pregnant woman can feel the elbow or knee of the fetus on the belly;
  • The bones of the fetal head are soft and mobile, which facilitates its progress through the birth canal;
  • By this time, lungs may not be fully formed.


Ninth month (week 36-40):

  • The length of the fetus 48-53 cm;
  • Children born at 37-40 weeks are considered term newborns;
  • The lungs are mature;
  • The head of the fetus is mostly down;
  • Comfortably located in the uterus, the great happiness is preparing to meet you!

What changes does the mother experience during the last months of pregnancy?

  • At this time, the most frequent is the pressure of the fetus on the bladder and frequent urination;
  • Sometimes incontinence during laughter, coughing or sneezing;
  • Sleep disturbance is common;
  • Discomfort caused by constipation and lack of air is frequent;
  • Heartburn is a possible complaint;
  • The abdomen is still growing and there is a protrusion of the navel;

Due to the above-mentioned changes, a woman may experience some discomfort. How can we avoid this? Wait for the recommendations in the next news article or contact the clinic "New Life", get registered and meet the birth prepared, in a warm, comfortable atmosphere.

 The clinic “New Life” address: Tbilisi, Digomi Lubliana street №21a

You can contact the Call Center of “New Life” at 577 05 99 00;

If you have some questions, you can contact the obstetrician-gynecologist of the clinic “New Life” Tatia Tskhomelidze at 577 11 91 00;    

Wish you health!