November is International Lung Cancer Awareness Month

November is International Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Lung cancer is not a verdict - breathe freely

Lung cancer is one of the most common diseases, ranking first among oncological diseases with a high mortality rate.

You have a cancer! - A phrase that is more often heard by patients who are late for a visit to the doctor. Most of them go to the doctor in the second, third or fourth stage of cancer.

Most patients are afraid of the diagnosis and for this they delay the consultation for unjustified reason, but you will get real help only if you consult a qualified doctor in a timely manner.

Lung cancer is not just one disease, it is a group of tumors with different histological structure, molecular composition, type, and progression.

Causes of a lung cancer

Lung cancer can be caused by many factors, however, the main one is tobacco consumption (including nicotine inhalation with an e-cigarette).

Cigarette smokng is dangerous for both smokers and non-smokers. Other reasons include:

  • Carcinogenic substances in the air;
  • Polluted air;
  • Fumes of vehicles;
  • Production factors (asbestos and nickel dust, chromium particles);
  • Predisposition to disease;
  • Chronic bronchitis;
  • Chronic pneumonia;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Pneumosclerosis;
  • Scar changes in the lung parenchyma.

In modern medicine, there are various therapies for the treatment of similar types of malignant neoplasms, the main purpose of which is to destroy the tumor cells.

As the number of patients increases, medical advances improve, and new methods of treatment emerge, giving patients hope and a chance for life.

The National Center of Surgery joins the Lung Cancer Awareness Month and offers special support to oncology patients, as part of the campaign you can conduct lung cancer screening. The examination is performed on the ultra-modern, 32-layer computed tomography of the clinic Toshiba Aquilion RXL.

With the help of low-dose computed tomography it is possible to detect the early stages of the disease, and timely treatment, as the tumor progresses, it guarantees a better treatment outcome.

If a lung cancer is detected, the disease will be treated in a timely and correct manner.

Wish you health!

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