Interesting topic for all pregnant women!
Everybody needs rest, relaxation, sun and sea and a pregnant woman isn't an exception.
As a rule, the majority of the employees cannot wait for July, August, and September to come, so they can take their deserved vacation, make unforgettable memories in Georgia or abroad and recharge their energy.
In this interview, we've tried to discuss the questions that are popular during hot summer days - an interesting topic for the majority of pregnant women
Summer and safe pregnancy - Obstetrician-gynecologist Tatia Tskhomelidze, the head of the outpatient obstetrics-gynecology of the clinic "New Life", the National Center of Surgery discusses the topic.
– Dr. Tatia, Is it recommended for a pregnant woman to swim in the sea, river, lake or swimming pool?
– Swimming is allowed in ecologically clean water reservoirs and swimming pools and in a clean sea. It's better for water to be warm, not very cold or hot since very hot water can cause an acceleration of the heartbeat and slow blood flow to the placenta. This can be one of the risk factors for early termination of the pregnancy. Water temperature should be equal to the normal body temperature. 37C is considered an acceptable temperature. Warm water procedures are useful. Being in the water relaxes the spine, hardens back and chest muscles, improves blood circulation and mood and reduces swelling.
– What are the health benefits of swimming for a pregnant woman?
–Swimming improves blood circulation, relieves swelling, reduces the blood pressure and shortness of breath and also, prepares the body for childbirth. Saltwater of the sea enriches the body with useful substances and supplies the pregnant woman with positive emotions. There is no risk of falling, overheating and dehydration during swimming. There is no workload on the joints. Hypodynamia during pregnancy can cause fat accumulation, constipation, weakness of labor, decrease in tone and that is why swimming is one of the pleasant and useful sports for pregnant women.
If you are going to a seaside resort from Tbilisi, it is better to travel by train. It is advisable to go for 1 week or 10 days instead of 2-3 days, as long-distance trips are uncomfortable and tiring for pregnant women.
– From which trimester is it not recommended to swim anymore?
Following is not prohibited but recommended: The best period is the second trimester because in the first trimester occurs the process of fetus attachment to the uterine wall. To avoid the termination of pregnancy and other risks, it is necessary to be especially cautious, so you don’t overwork the body.
Pregnant women better abstain from active swimming at the end of the 8th month. Of course, this decision should be discussed with the personal obstetrician-gynecologist, because s/he knows the general health condition better than anyone.
–We've all seen pregnant women tanning on a beach. The opinion of society is divided in half regarding this topic. What are your recommendations?
– It's best to tan only in the morning from 10:00 to 11:00 and in the evening after 18:00. Swimming is allowed in the same period. It's not recommended to overwork the body. Water should be clean. Try not to swallow water to prevent infections.
Remember, during pregnancy the skin becomes more sensitive and as soft as a child's skin. Melanocytes, cells responsible for the pigment production, are more active and sensitive to various irritants like ultraviolet (UV) sun rays. Therefore, burns, dehydration and heatstroke risks increase during the pregnancy. Wear a hat, sunglasses and t-shirts made of natural materials. Use umbrellas and sunscreens with high protection filters.
– What should a pregnant woman eat at a seaside resort?
– Forget unhealthy food. Everyone loves corn, nuts, etc. passed around on the beach, however, this is not recommended for a pregnant woman. Consume food and beverages that contain saturated and trans fats (fats containing trans fatty acids) and are low in cholesterol, sugar, and salt.
The salt intake is associated with the risk of high blood pressure. That's why you should reduce the daily intake of salt to a minimum. In summer, give preference to low-fat foods. Consume low-fat cottage cheese and lactic acid products (if, of course, you're not lactose intolerant), say no to whole milk or dairy products.
Eat frequently and in small portions. You can eat a large number of fruits and vegetables, but do not forget to wash them thoroughly. Water is important for the body, even more during the pregnancy and especially at sea during hot summer days. Other beverages, such as coffee, tea, juice, etc, cannot replace water.
– Can a pregnant woman drink hot coffee and/or iced coffee?
–Based on medicine and per protocol, a pregnant woman who takes caffeine-containing beverages in large quantities (> 300 mg/day) should limit her daily intake of caffeine to avoid termination of pregnancy and the risk of delivering a low-birth-weight baby. Caffeine is in coffee and partially in tea, soft drinks and chocolate: A cup of instant coffee contains 60 mg of caffeine, although some coffee brands contain 150 mg of caffeine in 1 cup, 250 ml of tea or other soft drinks contain
– What can you tell us about walking?
– During the pregnancy, the need for oxygen increases by 25-30%. That's why it is recommended for a pregnant woman to take a walk in the fresh air at any time of the year, for 1-1.5 hours and always before bedtime. Sea air is very useful.
Wish you health!