Cancer can be defeated

Cancer can be defeated

ETHOS - the latest radiotherapy machine with artificial intelligence

For the first time in Georgia, the state-of-the-art adaptive radiotherapy machine ETHOS equipped with artificial intelligence of the company VARIAN.


▶ What is radiotherapy with ETHOS?

ETHOS is the latest artificial intelligence radiotherapy machine. With the use of this technology, radiation therapy will be able to be more precisely tailored to each patient. It has the ability to provide adaptive treatment, which is the real-time modification of the radiation dose based on the anatomy of the patient.

▶ Main features and advantages:

Personalized Care: ETHOS adjusts to the individual anatomy of the patient throughout each treatment session, improving the precision and security of radiation therapy.
Real-time adaptation: ETHOS uses continuous imaging to modify treatment schedules in response to variations in the anatomy, respiration, or posture of the patient.
Increased comfort: The adaptive procedure lessens the need for repeated scans and immobilization equipment, which increases patient comfort throughout treatment.

Decreased side effects: ETHOS lessens the chance of adverse effects and enhances the patient's quality of life by limiting radiation exposure to healthy tissues.

Reduced length of treatment: Adaptive treatment streamlines the procedure and may cut down on the number of sessions needed.
Diverse Capabilities: A wide spectrum of malignancies and stages are treated using ETHOS therapies.


Radiation therapy for multiple metastases of the central nervous system, head and neck, lung, breast, gastrointestinal tract organs, urogenital system oncological diseases, lymphomas and hematological tumors, bone and soft tissues, skin, brain, and bones is carried out by the National Center of Surgery's Radiotherapy Department.


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