What do we need to know about wen, papillomavirus, and sinusitis?

Atheroma is one of the species of wen. This is a painless, rounded mass, often confused with acne.

Acne is the pathology of hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Infectious diseases, avitaminosis, insufficient skin hygiene, hormonal disturbances, diabetes mellitus and psychoneurosis contribute to the development of the disease. The main reason is the excessive secretion from sebaceous glands.


If you notice any mass on the face, please, contact your doctor, avoid irritation of that area, because serious complications may occur. Keep in mind that veins on the face have no valves, that is why an infection can spread to the brain. In society, the wen is associated with dermatologic disease and they refer to a dermatologist, but sometimes conservative treatment is ineffective and surgical intervention is necessary.  Many people want to know if the wen is dangerous and when the surgical intervention becomes necessary.

The maxillofacial surgeon of the National Center of Surgery, Shota Lobzhanidze, talks about this topic, papillomavirus, and sinusitis.

- What do we need to know about the wen on the face?

- It is a classical cyst which has its own capsule and inner content. The content is thin, mushy, yellow mass. Atheroma, created after the blockage of the sebaceous duct, is not a tumor, but – epidermoid cyst. Atheroma is often confused with lipoma, which is a benign tumor of the sebaceous gland. Based on the reasons mentioned above, the clinical diagnosis becomes difficult and cytologic evaluation becomes necessary (the content is removed and is examined under the microscope).

The atheroma may become inflamed and purulent, which manifests with pain, swelling and, in rare cases, high temperature.

- Why does a wen appear on the face?

- Atheroma mainly appears on problematic, oily skin. Other causes may be metabolic disturbances, unhealthy diet, consuming high-fat food.

-In which case, a surgery to remove an atheroma is performed?

-The atheroma is treated under a local anesthesia, with the excision of the mass. It should be noted the conservative treatment does not give results. Also, the size of a mass should be taken into account. If the atheroma is small, causes no discomfort to a patient and is not growing, the surgical intervention may not be necessary. It is very important to send the excised material to the histomorphological study. During the inflammatory process, the full excision of the covering is not possible, because the purulent process destroys the structure of the covering and the chance of recurrence is high. It is recommended to excise the atheroma in a cold (not inflamed) stage. 

- Please, explain what is the papillomavirus?

- Papillomavirus mainly manifests on the skin or mucous membranes. More than 90% of people are infected with this virus worldwide. As a rule, the virus is the body is in remission and manifests after a stressful event or suppression of the immune system. This benign lesion manifests itself in such places of the oral cavity where the mucous membrane is often traumatized, for example, tongue, corners of the mouth, cheek, parallel to the closing of the teeth (when an injury to the buccal mucosa is possible). In rare cases, in older patients, it may develop on the hard palate and gums (with the use of a rough prosthesis). Papilloma is pedunculated (has a stem) round, with a coarse surface, fine-grained and has a soft consistency, which has an intense blood supply and often bleeds, especially during the trauma. In different parts of the mouth, it has different shape and color. It is comparatively light on the mucous membrane and darker on the red border around the lips and the skin.

-What can you say about the ways of transmission and risk factors?

-Papillomavirus is transmitted by blood, scratches, and wounds.

- How do you treat the papillomavirus at the National Center of Surgery?

- In our clinic, it is treated with the surgical intervention. It is very important to send the excised material to the histomorphological study.

-What can you tell us about sinusitis?

- The maxillary sinus is a bony vacuum in the face, which is lined with the mucous membrane.

Its main function is to warm the inhaled air. Maxillary sinusitis has several origins: odontogenic (caused by tooth), rhinogenic (caused by virus or bacteria), hematogenic (caused by a residual blood or foreign body in the sinus after an injury).

Generally, patient refers to us with odontogenic sinusitis. The source of infection is the molar teethof the upper jaw (15, 16, 17, 18 – 25, 26, 27, 28).

Frequently anatomically the root tips of these teeth are embedded in the maxillary sinus, so there is a danger of the spread of inflammatory process to the maxillary sinus. Inflammatory processes in maxillary sinusitis are in chronic or chronic-exacerbated stages. In the initial, acute stage, there are no complaints. It is possible that the patient discovers this condition during a visit to the dentist, with an x-ray study. As for the surgical procedure, it is carried out by opening the maxillary sinus and evacuating its content (inflamed tissue). Treating the odontogenic maxillary sinusitis conservatively is ineffective.


- With what complaints do the patients come to you with odontogenic maxillary sinusitis?
- During the chronic, exacerbated stage the patients complain about the pain, rarely swelling near the cheek and fever. Also, unpleasant nasal discharge from the corresponding side mostly in the morning. In the history of the disease, the patient has a toothache.

If you have some questions, you can contact the maxillofacial surgeon of the National Center of Surgery Shota Lobzhanidze at 577 33 04 49.

You can contact the Call-center of the National Center of Surgery at 577 11 91 19;


Wish you health!