43 years old patient visited National Center of Surgery with acute abdominal pain.
What types of examinations were conducted?
In the clinic the abdominal echoscopy was conducted – with the test, new growth, presumably cyst was diagnosed. Additional examinations were needed for the complete visualization of the nutrient artery: initially - the abdominal computed tomography and subsequently - digital angiography (during this study, a special solution is injected in blood vessel in order to diagnose its condition).
As National Center of Surgery’s vascular surgeon, Levan Gogliashvili stated in an interview with us, with digital angiography gastroduodenal artery (stomach and pancreatic supplier artery) pseudo aneurysm was detected and it required immediate intervention due to risk of bursting. Pseudo aneurysm was threat to life.
It should be noted that it is one of the rarest pathologies and therefore, no standard treatment methods exist.
Operation was planned – endovascular embolism (suppression) of artery. Vascular surgeons used angiography Trinias B12 – region’s exclusive and ultramodern machine.
Surgeon stated – "Operation was conducted with minimal invasion! From the brachial artery we have been able to catheter the gastroduodenal artery and suppress the aneurysm causing blood vessel with special equipment. As a result, blood flow to aneurysm was terminated and risk bursting was reduced to zero.
The operation lasted for 1 hour under local anesthesia. The operation took place without any complications. After the operation, patient was relieved from pain.
Patient’s general condition is satisfactory. Patient was discharged from hospital on the second day and is scheduled for examination for control.
National Center of Surgery address: Tbilisi, Dighomi, Chachava N5
You may contact National Center of Surgery’s call center at 577 119 119 or 2 02 25 25.
Wish you health!