With this announcement, we would like to respond to the information spread by mass media about a citizen of Egypt – Vagdia Elkoraie who was allegedly beaten and his father who supposedly received poor-quality medical services at National Center of Surgery.
It shall be mentioned from the very beginning that Vagdia Elkoraie‘s father has been transferred from another medical institute to National Center of Surgery as a high-tech clinic in severe medical condition - exacerbation of severe chronic pathology of cardiovascular and respiratory organs, multiple organ failure and is currently attached to a respirator. Since the admission to our clinic, the medical institute has done everything in compliance with all protocols to save his life.
The information according to which the patient received poor-quality medical treatment and the citizen of Egypt Vagdia Elkoraie was beaten is false.
It’s worth mentioning that the aforesaid person himself has aggressive tendencies and doesn’t comply with standards of behavior in medical establishment including his unpermitted entry to the intensive care unit that endangers the health and life of his father and two dozen patients with severe conditions. He insults our medical staff and expresses his clear disrespect towards them with violence.
Also, it shall be mentioned that currently the patient is in substantial debt to the medical establishment and that creates reasonable suspicion that actions of Vagdia Elkoraie are a deliberate provocation to evade the mentioned debt. The latest expression of his intention is yesterday’s incident - Vagdia Elkoraie and his family member entered the critical medicine department, where they went on a rampage for a long time and insulted our medical staff. The patrol police crew was called on time.
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia conducts an investigation regarding the issue. Moreover, LEPL State Regulation Agency for Medical Activities studies the case, to which we already have submitted our position in a written form. Therefore, we shall wait for the results of the investigation and study.
The medical establishment will use all legal tools to protect its' interest including the spread of defamatory information that harms our reputation.