The population of nearby villages also took part in this promotion.
On February 9 Doctors of K. Eristavi Experimental and Surgical National Center held a free consultation day in Mchadijvari, in which the local population of neighboring villages also participated (municipality assigned several mini-buses to bring the residents to our doctors).
The local municipality and village governor helped us to arrange a free consultation day.
The Governor Levan Zautashvili, Dusheti Governor, members of the municipality attended our promotion.
The promotion took place in the village outpatient building.
The visit of doctors was a very necessary and cheerful event for them. They have not been consulted by doctors for a long time and therefore they expressed special gratitude.
In this promotion participated: a general surgeon, gynecologist, neurologist, traumatologist, urologist, therapist, cardiologist, cardiovascular surgeon, radiologist, endocrinologist, an ophthalmologist.
Patients received free ultrasound, cardiovascular diagnostic studies, and determination of glucose in the blood.
105 people participated in the day, 358 consultations and diagnostic studies were conducted.
A form N100 was given to surgical patients by general surgeon (to 4 surgical patients) gynecologist (2 forms), cardiovascular surgeon (5 forms), neurologist (6 forms).
Part of the patients was asked to come to the clinic for further studies.
At the end of the day, the patients received medications designated by "Aversi".
The promotion has been covered by the mass media