Health Condition of Patients with Duodenal Leiomyosarcoma Has Improved Using a Chemotherapy at The National Center of Surgery

Health Condition of Patients with Duodenal Leiomyosarcoma Has Improved Using a Chemotherapy at The National Center of Surgery

The duodenal sarcoma belongs to a group of rare diseases.

Among gastrointestinal tumors, duodenal sarcoma is observed in 1-2% of cases. The most common form is leiomyosarcoma, which has a poor prognosis. The international frequency of the disease is unknown, but the frequency of intestinal leiomyosarcoma in the US is 1.4 cases in 100,000 patients. The disease occurs almost equally in men and women at the age of 40-49. Gender is not a determining factor for the disease prediction. The cause of disease development is unknown but it is characterized by hematogenous metastasis. Distant metastases are found in the liver (55% of patients develop the metastatic liver disease) and peritoneum. Unlike other soft tissue sarcomas, which are mostly spreading metastasis in the lungs. The main complaint of the disease is bleeding (70%), pain, weight loss.
The health condition of the patients with this diagnosis has improved as a result of the treatment conducted by the chemotherapist of the National Center of Surgery Irine Khubua. Dr. Irine has many grateful patients. With the help of the chemotherapy, the patient's health condition improved significantly and the patient regained good life quality.
Dr. Irene delivered a presentation about duodenal leiomyosarcoma in the third scientific conference on November 24. The conference was titled "The Role of Innovations and Modern Technologies in the Development of Medical Practice". The ceremony was dedicated to the 71th anniversary of the National Center of Surgery and the 128th birthday anniversary of Academician Konstantine Eristavi.
How does the patient feel? We addressed this question to Dr. Irina.
"In my practice, a very interesting and a rare case has happened. A few months ago, a patient came to the clinic with abdominal pain. It should be noted that this patient had undergone a radical pancreaticoduodenal resection - diagnosis was a the duodenal leiomyosarcoma. The operation was successful. The patient came for the planned visit. During the planned visit, multiple metastatic liver damages were noted on the CT. The chemotherapy course was chosen for this patient. After 3 courses we measured the dynamics that was positive. Now the patient continues the treatment course and feels good. The general condition of the patient has improved: he is gaining weight, increasing the appetite, can move independently, is actively involved in daily activities. This case is another example of the fact that cancer is not a verdict and the treatment is effective if it is chosen properly, and how useful and important the chemotherapy is, " said Irina Khubua.

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You can contact the Call-center of the National Center of Surgery at 577 11 91 19.

Wish you health!