The clinic “New Life” offers the genotyping of the human papillomavirus – what should you know about the infection causing cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is a malignant transformation of cervix epithelial cells.

Cervical cancer, after breast cancer, is the second most common cancer female population.

The incidence of cervical cancer is about 370 thousand cases per year. In developed countries, the mortality rate is 1/100.000 people. In recent years, this rate has decreased, because the new research methods made it possible to diagnose cancer in the early stages. At the initial stage, the treatment of this disease is quite effective - life expectancy increases, a woman can maintain her usual lifestyle, work capacity, and in some cases, a reproductive function.

Cervical cancer is the most common over the age of 40, although there are cases in women aged 20-30 years. Cervical cancer in women under the age of 20 years is not usually manifested. Cervical cancer is very rare among virgins. From the onset of the cervical dysplasia, cancer develops after an average of 10-12 years.

Preventive screening of the population has significantly reduced the incidence of cervical cancer.

The Human papillomavirus is the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD), which is the main cause of cervical cancer.

There are more than 100 subtypes of HPV. From these subtypes, 30 are oncogenic.

There is a high and a low-risk papillomavirus. The clinic “New Life” and Georgian-German Laboratory, which functions in this clinic, offers the genotyping of the high-risk human papillomavirus.  You can use our promotion, pay 135 Gel instead of 196 Gel and do the screening test.

The obstetrician-gynecologist Maia Urushadze talks about the papillomavirus and cervical cancer.

“The low-risk virus can cause the mild damage to the cervix and genital condylomas (warts). From the high-risk viruses, oncogenic types can cause the various damage to the cervix and invasion of cervical cancer. From over 20 types of papillomavirus, the most oncogenic are 13, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68 types “, - says Dr. Maia

- What can you tell us about the modes of transmission and risk factors of the papillomavirus? 

- There are three main modes of transmission:

  • Sexual;
  • Contact;
  • During the delivery, when the baby passes through the infected birth canal;


Risk-factors include:

  • Early first sexual intercourse
  • Multiple sexual partners

Factors contributing to the malignant transformation of cancer:

  • Multiple deliveries;
  • Early age of delivery;
  • Tobacco use;
  • Immune suppression state;
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) (chlamydia, herpes, trichomoniasis and etc.);
  • Frequent abortions;

The presence of the papillomavirus, precancerous cervical disease (ectopia, condyloma, erosion), long-term chronic processes can lead to the development of invasive cervical cancer.

- What are the symptoms of the papillomavirus?

- The carriers of the human papillomavirus are mostly men, but they have no external manifestations. It should be noted that the condom does not provide full protection against transmission of the papillomavirus. The virus spreads around the genitals, and the condom does not protect from these zones.

In most cases, during the infection with the virus, there is no manifestation of clinical symptoms.

But sometimes the patient experiences the following symptoms: 

• Intermenstrual bleeding from the genital tract with an irregular menstrual cycle (often during the sexual intercourse);

• Pain in the back, legs, and pelvic region; 

• Fatigue;

• Weight loss;

• Vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor;

• Swelling of one of the extremities.

- The clinic "New Life" and the Georgian-German Laboratory offer a promotion to readers - genotyping of the high-risk  human papillomavirus. What is included in this promotion and how is this study conducted?

- To determine the type of human papillomavirus, it is necessary to carry out genotyping of the papillomavirus. This test is recommended for all women every 3-5 years.

Prior to genotyping, patients undergo colposcopy (the instrumental study of the cervix) and Pap test (cytology examination of the cervical mucosa). 

A biopsy of the cervix and subsequent genotyping of the papillomavirus is performed if Pap test is positive and colposcopy examination discovers a lesion.

A smear from the cervix is sent to the Georgian-German laboratory, where 24 types of the virus are identified with the help of the DNA application and their oncogenicity is established.

- What are the symptoms of cervical cancer?

- Cervical cancer is characterized by the watery discharge during various periods of the menstrual cycle, postcoital bleeding, increased duration of the menstrual cycle (more than 7 days), signs of general intoxication (general weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss, fever etc), pain in the lower abdomen.

Having one or more signs listed above does not mean that you have cancer. But if something bothers you, make an appointment and see a doctor. 

Remember that the early detection and treatment of any disease (including cancer) is very effective.

Factors predisposing to the development of cervical cancer:

- Nowadays, the main risk factor for developing cervical cancer is the presence of viruses:

• Some types (genotypes) of human papillomavirus (HPV);

• Herpes simplex virus;


- Untreated background diseases;

Erosion of the cervix: a fairly common disease, occurs in 10-15% of cases of gynecological diseases. It is a damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix, often found around the cervical canal. Causes of erosion:

  • Mechanical: loss of integrity of the mucosa caused by the frequent abortions, labor, and intrauterine devices that have been used for a long time.
  • Hormonal: violation of the general hormonal background or frequent use of contraceptives;
  • Untreated sexually transmitted diseases, especially - viral etiology.

Leukoplakia: whitish spots on the mucous membrane of the cervix, which is caused by the thickening of epithelial cells.

Polyps: round shaped, different size neoplasm with smooth edges. Located on the mucous membrane of the cervix, in the cervical canal. The cause of their occurrence is unknown, but the mechanical and chemical factors affecting the cervix can contribute to its development.

Condylomas: warts of viral origin (human papillomavirus).

Ectropion of the cervix: develops during labor or abortion as a result of the damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix, in which the integrity of the mucous membrane of the cervix is lost and the cervical canal is inverted into the uterus.

 - Features of a woman's sexual life:

  • Early onset of sexual activity, younger than 16 years;
  • Abortion and childbirth at an early age;
  • Frequent abortions and childbirth;
  • Having multiple sexual partners;
  • Unprotected sexual intercourse.

Factors that should be considered:

  • Untreated inflammatory and venereal diseases;
  • Age over 55;
  • Poor living conditions;
  • Smoking;

The clinic “New Life” address: Tbilisi, Digomi Lubliana street №21a

You can contact the Call Center of “New Life” at 577059900.

If you have some questions, you can contact the obstetrician-gynecologist of the clinic “New Life” Maia Urushadze at 577 50 50 19;    

Wish you health!