It is a 27-bed department, of which 16 belongs to the patients in critical conditions, 11 to intensive therapy and 3 to the cardiac intensive care unit (CICU).
On average, the department treats 120 patients per month. The patients mainly admit in critical and severe conditions.
Based on the multidisciplinary nature of the clinic, the patients receive the relevant treatment according to their condition – with or without the respiratory machine for the patients in critical conditions as well as during the post-operative period.
the department is treated with a hardware or nonprofit support in patients with any profile, critical and emergency situations, as well as patients in the postoperative period.
The range of surgeries is broad, therefore, the field and severity of postoperative patients are different.
The intensive care unit is equipped with the latest equipment that ensures monitoring, preservation, and replacement of vital functions of patients. The department is equipped with modern type of respirators, invasive and non-invasive monitors, dialysis apparatus etc.
Success is determined by the quality of treatment, discipline professional, and teamwork skills.
The technical equipment of the department and the availability of highly qualified specialists of different medical fields guarantee the complete examination and treatment of patients.