On the 4th of October, 73rd and 130th anniversaries of National Center of Surgery and founder of the clinic, Academician Konstantine Eristavi, were celebrated with various interesting events.
Traditionally, the fifth scientific conference on the role of innovations and advanced technologies in the development of medical practice was held this year as well.
This year’s conference was significantly larger because doctors of National Center of Surgery and its’ clinic "New Life,” together with international and Georgian medics from various clinics participated in it.
Following people prepared presentations especially for this occasion: Prof. Oktar Asoglu of Istanbul University Clinic, Prof. Natia Esiashvili, head of Quality Unit of Radiation Oncology Department, Emory University (Atlanta U.S) and Associate Prof. Maia Jughashvili-Hernandez leading specialist at Spain Genesis Care’s Multidisciplinary Institution of Oncology, member of Public Relations Committee of ESTRO International Radiation Oncologists , Associate Professor of Murcia University.
Following people also participated in the scientific conference: Markus Guenter Klass, Doctor of Medicine of Emory University, Borge Nordestgaard Scientist of Clinical Medicine Department of Herlev-Gentofte Hospital (Denmark) and Prof. Tunc Koc , Neurosurgeon working in Turkey (neurosurgeon who has treated neurosurgical pathologies with advanced methods for more than 30 years).
“Courtyard Marriott” hosted the conference.
Presentations took place in 3 halls – Guests had an opportunity to listen to various presentation on 3 different topics, particularly:
- Modern diagnostic studies and treatment methods for oncology patients;
- Modern principles of diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis and cerebrovascular syndromes;
- Importance of modern diagnostic methods in defining treatment strategies.
In all 3 halls, presentations were assessed by the chairperson and two moderators. At the end of the conference, results were summarized based on particular criteria and the winners -announced. Juries had to announce 3 authors of winning papers out of 40 participants.
Presentations on modern diagnostic studies and treatment methods for oncology patients were assessed by following people: Paata Kurtanidze, founder of Company “Aversi”, Lasha Bazadze, Director-General of National Center of Surgery, Natia Esiashvili, Head of Quality Unit of Radiation Oncology Department, Emory University (Atlanta U.S) and Maia Jughashvili-Hernandez, Leading Specialist at Spain Genesis Care’s Multidisciplinary Institution of Oncology, member of Public Relations Committee of ESTRO International Radiation Oncologists , Associate Professor of Murcia University.
Papers on modern principles of diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis and cerebrovascular syndromes were assessed by a team of juries headed by Nona Kakauridze. Ms. Nona Kakauridze is a Doctor of Medical Science, Associate Professor of Tbilisi State Medical University, president of International Atherosclerosis Society of Georgia. Alongside Ms. Nona Kakauridze following people assessed presentations on this topic: Nana Nikolaishvili, Doctor of Medicine, Associate Professor of Caucasus International University, and Borge Nordestgaard Scientist of Clinical Medicine Department of Herlev-Gentofte Hospital (Denmark).
As you already know, presentations were also prepared on “the importance of modern diagnostic methods in defining treatment strategies." Papers on this topic were assessed by Nikoloz Chaduneli, Clinical Director of National Center of Surgery and moderators Associate Prof. Nino Khvichia, Head of the Morphology Unit of National Center of Surgery, Doctor of Medicine and Prof. Marina Pailodze, Pathomorphologist of National Center of Surgery, Doctor of Medical Science.
The international conference was officially opened after the welcome remarks of the founder of Company "Aversi” and heads of the clinic.
Following speakers presented their topics:
- “Keynotes of the symposium (oncology)” – Maia Jughashvili-Hernandez, leading specialist at Spain Genesis Care's Multidisciplinary Institution of Oncology, member of Public Relations Committee of ESTRO International Radiation Oncologists, Associate Professor of Murcia University;
- “Safe delivery of Radiotherapy-what we need to pay attention to" – Prof. Natia Esiashvili, Head of Quality Unit of Radiation Oncology Department, Emory University (U.S);
- “Aspects of modern treatment of locally advanced colorectal cancer (lesser pelvic sacrectomy, intraoperative radiation therapy)” – Oktar Asoglu, Colorectal Surgeon, Professor of Istanbul University Clinic;
- “Radiotherapy treatment of prostate cancer” – Lasha Goginashvili, Radiation Oncologist, Brachytherapist;
- “Management of metastatic cervical cancer” - Irine Khubua, Oncologist, Head of Clinical Oncology Unit of National Center of Surgery;
- “Radiation therapy of locally advanced cervical cancer" - Irina Jobava, Radiation Oncologist, Brachytherapist;
- “PET/CT as a gold standard diagnostic study for oncology patients” – Shorena Esiashvili, Radiation Oncologist, Nuclear Medicine Specialist;
- “Diagnostic study and treatment assessment for onco-hematology patients using positron-emission tomography ( PET/CT )” - Levan Makhaldiani, Head of Hematology Department of the clinic “New Life”
- “Autologous stem cell transplantation in hematologic diseases” – Magda Labadze, Hematologist.
- “Role of advanced technologies in breast diseases: tomosynthesis, rapid intraoperative histomorphology” (review of clinical cases)” - Tamila Roinishvili, Oncologist, Breast Physician of the clinic “New Life”;
- "A correlation between mammography and morphologic data in breast diseases – Nino Khvichia, Head of Morphology Unit of National Center of Surgery, Doctor of Medicine, Associate Professor;
- “Robotic surgery of rectal cancer” - Oktar Asoglu, Colorectal Surgeon, Professor of Istanbul University Clinic;
- Role of MRT study in the staging of bladder cancer – Nunuka Pertia, Radiologist;
- “2019 EAS/ESG guidelines in the management of dyslipidemia” - Borge Nordestgaard, Scientist of Clinical Medicine Department of Herlev-Gentofte Hospital (Denmark);
- “Relationship between heart geometrical types and magistral vessels atherosclerotic changes in aging” – Nana Nikolaishvili, Doctor of Medicine, Associate Professor of Caucasus International University;
- “Treatment of atherosclerosis in elderly people” – Darejan Gabunia, Doctor of Medicine, Assistant-Professor, Aleksandre Kistauri, Doctor of Medicine, Full Professor, N2 Department of Internal Medicine of Tbilisi State Medical University;
- “Prognostic value of echocardiographic parameters in patients with chronic heart failure” – Tamar Avaliani, Cardiologist, Therapist;
- “Remodeling of carotid and femoral arteries in subclinical hypothyroidism in relations with risk factors of atherosclerosis in women" – Tamar Kurtanidze, Medical Corporation “Evex”
- “Electromagnetic blood flow in the human body and initial factors of atherosclerosis” - Merab Beraia, Doctor of Medical Science of Acad. F.Todua Scientific-Research Institute of Clinical Medicine
- “The role of citicoline in the correction of cognitive dysfunction in vascular dementia” – Tamar Lazashvili, Revaz Tabukashvili, Vera Kapetivadze, Tamila Silagadze, Zviad Maghlaperidze;
- “Basis of preventive cardiology in children” – Giorgi Chakhunashvili, Nino Jobava, Konstantine Chakhunashvili, Davit Chakhunashvili [Children Cardiologists Association of Georgia];
- “Relationship between some parameters of homocysteine, general antioxidant status, and hemostasis in carotid atherosclerosis” – Manana Akhvlediani, Elene Vorobiova, Dudana Gachechiladze, Marika Emukhvari, Maia Martiashvili, Nino Zabakhidze, Acad. F.Todua Scientific-Research Institute of Clinical Medicine;
- “Efficacy and safety of non-statin treatment in risk management of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases” – Kakha Nadaraia, Doctor of Medicine, Associate Professor of Georgian University, board member of Georgian Society of Cardiologists, Head of the Clinical and Interventional Cardiology Department of University Clinic “VivaMedi”
- "Contemporary principles in the management of hemorrhagic stroke" - Nino Khubulava, Neurologist;
- “Management of ischemic stroke "- Nino Bukia, Neurologist;
- “The role of dysphagia screening in acute cerebrovascular disease management” – Tatuli Gubeladze, Neurologist;
- “Management of carotid atherosclerosis and role of screening in prevention of ischemic stroke” – Tea Shubladze, Neurologist;
- “Role of CT perfusion in acute stroke management” – Irakli Gigiadze, Radiologist;
- “Morphologic basis of cardio-cerebral pathologies in experimental hypercholesterolaemia” – Nona Kakauridze, Tbilisi State Medical University, Zurab Tsagareli, Doctor of Medicine, I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University;
- “Retrospective study of pathologies in pregnancy and stillbirths according to gestational age” – Mindia Iobashvili, Head of Obstetrics-Gynecology Department, Marina Pailodze, Pathomorphologist, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor;
- “Persistent pulmonary hypertension in the neonate – PPHN” - Maia Abaloidze, Head of Neonatal Care Unit of the clinic “New Life”;
- “Fetal anomalies as risk-factors incompatible with life and early clinical-morphologic diagnostics” – Maia Gogoladze, Gynecologist. Marina Pailodze, Pathomorphologist;
- “Acquired bleeding disorders and laboratory diagnostics. A clinical case” – Marina Mdivnishvili, Doctor of Medicine, Head of the Hemostasis laboratory of Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center;
- “Advanced concepts in patient safety" – Markus Guenter Klass, Doctor of Medicine, Emory University;
- “Endoscopic spinal surgery: innovations in minimally invasive techniques of spinal surgery” – Tunc Koc, Neurosurgeon;
- “Important aspects of clinical value in ultrasound imaging” – Natia Mamrikishvili, Radiologist;
- "The role of full-body magnetic-resonance tomography in prevention, diagnostics and staging of cancer” – Lana Rizhamadze, Radiologist;
- "Advanced technologies in oncology – the importance of cyberknife and tomotherapy for oncology patients” – Olgha Nekrasova, Representative of Company Accuray.
All participants were awarded certificates.
After the conference, guests moved to the restaurant for a celebratory dinner.
The anniversary was celebrated at Marani Hall of Mtskheta. Clinical Director Nikoloz Chaduneli headed the table, whereas, ensemble "Georgian Voices" and the band
"Gamouvali Mdgomareoba" performed on stage.
Winners of the scientific conference were announced at the dinner.
In accordance with the jury's decision, the following participants were announced as the authors of the best papers:
- Tamar Avaliani;
- Levan Makhaldiani;
- Natia Mamrikishvili;
Winners were awarded a trip abroad.
The festive cake was very beautiful and creative. It was decorated with sweet figures, mini models of ultramodern medical equipment of National Center of Surgery.
The event ended with grand fireworks.
Pulsi TV broadcasted the event.
Wish you health!