The oncological disease is not a verdict!
As you know, hematology is the study of the blood and hematopoietic systems. Professional non-oncology and oncology patients are often referred to as professional hematologists. Oncological direction for the modern medical world remains one of the challenges to this day, and therefore, the timely elimination of oncological pathologies is on the agenda of the „National Center of Surgery”, and the hopeless patients are cured by modern standards of treatment!
It is well known, that the National Center of Surgery works closely with leading European and American medical institutions in the international arena. Our foreign colleagues share their knowledge, experience, and modern medical aspirations through online methods or personal visits. It is because of the close partnership that the Georgian professor at „Emory University” in the United States, head of the quality department of the Department of Radiation Oncology - Natia Esiashvili visited the conference hall of the „New Life” Clinic on February 26 and held a meeting with the hematologists of the „National Center of Surgery” and the „New Life”. The main topic of discussion was the modern standards for the use of radiation therapy in hematology (lymphomas, myeloid diseases, etc.). Also, the role of PET / CT in the diagnosis of lymphomas and evaluation of treatment outcomes.
And now, we will briefly tell you what radiation therapy means. Tumors are usually treated surgically, by chemotherapy, or radiotherapy. In modern oncology, radiotherapy is an essential component of cancer treatment in the following areas: brain, head, neck, chest, organs of the gastrointestinal tract, and urogenital system. Centuries-old practice in the use of radiation therapy in medicine has shown that it is one of the most effective methods of treating cancer. It acts both locally to destroy cancer cells as well as to prepare the patient preoperatively.
As for PET / CT, this abbreviation means positron-emission tomography and is mainly used in oncology. It is a functional research method that can still determine the stage of oncological disease in the early stages of cancer. As well as, to obtain an accurate anatomical and functional picture of tumor spread. Meanwhile, PET / CT is used to evaluate the results of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. To put it simply, as a result of this study, treatment tactics are changing.
Since the establishment of the Radiotherapy Department at the National Center of Surgery, with the help of qualified medical staff and ultra-modern technologies, many patients have defeated cancer and regained the joy of life! Remember, cancer is not a verdict!
Wish you health!
What are patients interested in
Qauestion:: Hello, My mother received several courses of chemotherapy, because of metastatic involvement of bone and liver. During that time platelet count significantly decreased and only presented with small skin hemorrhages. In chemotherapy, platelet count sometimes increases or decreases, she simultaneously takes Revolade (50mg) on a daily basis and underwent platelet transfusion several times that had an only short-term effect. Is it possible to find another solution for the mentioned problem at your clinic? Thanks in advance