Department of The Nuclear Medicine
C/Can „City Cancer Challenge” - International Cancer Control Union representatives made a visit to the National Center of Surgery. The fund was established in 2019 and currently works in nine cities around the world. Its mission is to assist all cities interested in the battle against cancer and to try to prevent it by all methods possible.
Thanks to the „City Cancer Challenge“ Foundation's assistance, Tbilisi City Hall, Ministry of Labor Health and Social Defence of Georgia, and the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health, in collaboration with international and non-governmental organizations and professional associations, provide management of challenges such as:
- The government and civil society, as well as health experts, must identify, link, and engage the private sector and other stakeholders in the process;
- Citywide challenges to better manage cancer, as well as an assessment of needs and priorities;
- International and regional collaboration, one-time and long-term investment, and financial decision-making to assist the city plan's implementation;
- Create a framework for tracking and evaluating progress.
One of the most important initiatives on the topic was established as a result of their efforts: „Improving the quality of medical diagnostic imaging and boosting the capacity of nuclear medicine,” which intends to create a technical report on the use of PET/CT in Georgia. To do this, the visiting specialists will conduct a thorough examination of all hospitals where oncology patients are treated.
As you are aware, the National Center of Surgery is at the cutting edge of medicine in the Caucasus and the Post-Soviet zone, using the most advanced and unique digital positron emission tomography. This research's function and potential are so significant that it has been designated as the gold standard for identifying oncological disorders in the twenty-first century.
Two distinguished professors of World Nuclear Medicine from the City Cancer Challenge visited the Department of Nuclear Medicine: Siroos Mirzaei - Nuclear Medicine Specialist from the Grand Center of Austria, President of the Center for Continuing Education at the Center for Nuclear Medicine, and Paolo Castellucci - Nuclear Medicine Specialist from the St. Ursula Clinic, Bologna, Italy. The visitors examined the department's technological infrastructure in depth. It is also worth noting their high regard for the National Center of Surgery, where cancer diagnosis and treatment are carried out in strict accordance with modern standards and established protocols.
On October 19, the foreign partners' visit to Tbilisi will continue with a conference at the Tbilisi Marriott Hotel, where the topic will be “Ways to overcome difficulties linked to the use of PET/CT in the field of oncological and non-oncological diseases," along with the attending medical community.
National Center of Surgery wishes you health!
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Qauestion:: Hello, My mother received several courses of chemotherapy, because of metastatic involvement of bone and liver. During that time platelet count significantly decreased and only presented with small skin hemorrhages. In chemotherapy, platelet count sometimes increases or decreases, she simultaneously takes Revolade (50mg) on a daily basis and underwent platelet transfusion several times that had an only short-term effect. Is it possible to find another solution for the mentioned problem at your clinic? Thanks in advance