How to treat a sore throat at home?

How to treat a sore throat at home?

Almost every person has experienced discomfort caused by sore throat

In the news, you will be informed about the following:

Throat sickness rate is particularly high during autumn and winter seasons when temperature drops and, therefore, chances of catching cold increases.

A sore throat can be caused by a fungal, bacterial or viral infection and commonly, the most common cause is angina and pharyngitis.

You might be surprised, but often sore throat presents as one of the symptoms of various diseases and in case of non-treatment, what it seems like an insignificant discomfort might become a severe complication. That’s why it’s important to promptly see a doctor. Before the consultation, it’s feasible to relieve your condition with particular home remedies.

Oto-rhino laryngologist of National Center of Surgery, Rusudan Kontselidze advises:

  • Don’t drink very hot or cold beverages;
  • Any type of beverage should be either warm or room temperature;
  • Iced water temporarily relieves sore throat and it’s a myth that it treats it;
  • Don’t eat spicy and sour food;
  • Tobacco isn’t recommended in case of a sore throat;
  • Avoid talking as much as possible, straining vocal cords; 
  • Air and humidify a room where you spend most of your time;
  • Rinse your throat with salt water (1 teaspoon salt and 200 ml water);
  • Use chamomile, eucalyptus mouthwash;
  • It’s cliché, but indeed effective – dress according to weather and temperature;
  • For dry heat, put on a scarf;
  • Try to breathe through your nose, because air warms and humidifies in nasal cavity protecting the throat and vocal cords;
  • Frequently wash your hands with soap;

Wish you health!