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- Nutrition

Parents are often interested in whether cow milk and cow milk products are useful for the baby.
We addressed “New life” clinic’s head of the neonatal services, Maia Abaloidze with this question.
Ms. Abaloidze stated “It is noteworthy that cow milk and its products are characterized by the high nutritional value. It’s the source of calcium and B-group vitamins, proteins and easy-to-digest fats"
Matsoni (fermented milk) and cottage cheese produced from cow milk
Cow milk product, matsoni is recommended from 7 months as an independent nutrition.
It is a unique lactic acid product. The high consistency of lactoprotein and low consistency of lactose (milk sugar) is a reason for the unconditional superiority of Matsoni as a lactic acid product. Also, cottage cheese has a high nutritional value.
From what age is it allowed to consume milk products?
You can add cow milk in child nutrition from one year old and it has to be mixed.
Infants younger than 12 months
For infants younger than 12 months old cow milk is not recommended, since it has three times more protein than breast milk and 2 times more than in artificial formula. Cow milk contains calcium, phosphorus and other mineral substances 3 times more. Excess proteins and mineral substances are harmful to the infant’s organism.
“New Life” clinic address: Tbilisi, Dighomi, Lubliana str. N21a.
You may contact “New Life” clinic’s call center at 577 059 900.
In case of any issues, you may contact “New Life” clinic’s head of the neonatal services, Maia Abaloidze for free consultation at 593 24 97 42.
Wish you health!