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Common signs of walnuts and a brain
We all agree, that in nature nothing happens for no reason and everything is closely related to each other. Therefore, it is noteworthy, that walnuts resemble the human brain not only in a shape but also by its external structure. If the brain protects the skull, the protective membrane of the walnut is the shell, both contain fat and phosphorus, which nourishes the human body. Also, like the brain, it has two hemispheres and wrinkles. Did you know that in folk medicine walnut leaves were used to fight rickets, and its yoke broth to fight against cancerous diseases?! Other reasons, why walnuts are considered to be the most useful product for the brain among nuts are given below.
The composition of walnuts
It is known, that one walnut cotyledon has 65% fat. Because of this, the nut product is considered to be the food with the highest calorie and high energy values. Despite its fat content, it does not completely increase the risk of obesity, because the omega 3 in it nourishes the brain and not our body! Besides, it is rich in various minerals and vitamins, such as:
- Copper - good for heart health. Promotes proper functioning of bones, nerves, and immune system;
- Vitamin B9 - useful for pregnant women. Its deficiency in the body is associated with an increased risk of a stroke and heart pathology, as well as, childbirth abnormalities;
- Vitamin B6 - plays an important role in the proper functioning of the nervous system. Also, participates in the health of the lymph nodes and spleen;
- Vitamin E - helps to improve memory and delays the progression of Alzheimer's.
In one word, walnuts contain antioxidants and healthy fats that can lower the heart, development of type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's, and oncological pathologies, such as:
- Chest;
- Prostatitis;
- The large intestine.
Impact of walnuts on health
In addition to the above said positive properties, remember, it is one of the eight most allergic products! However, if you are not allergic to nuts, their regular consumption is only good for your health. For example, a study that was conducted a few years ago involved up to 200 adults. They ate walnuts every day for eight weeks and as a result, useful processes developed in their body. Scientists have recognized that 50 grams of walnuts with 50 grams of honey:
- Relieve chronic fatigue and stress;
- Protect you from atherosclerosis, diabetes, and nervous disorders;
- Will solve the problem of the gastrointestinal tract;
- Is useful during anemia;
- Stimulates the work of blood vessels, regulates blood pressure, and prevents blood clots.
Also, remember that if you eat 3-5 walnuts during the day, you will help your own body to maintain energy balance!
Walnuts in the Georgian culture
You will all agree, nuts and especially walnuts are an integral part of Georgian culture and cuisine. Gozinaki, Satsivi, churchkhela, kharcho, and many other dishes or desserts are clear examples of this. Probably, it is not accidental that one of the main dishes for all Georgians who went to war was Churchkhela. Churchkhela is full of nuts - awakening sweets and nutritious food for the stomachs or brains of warriors!