What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency and how to get this beneficial vitamin through sunshine?

What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency and how to get this beneficial vitamin through sunshine?

Vitamin D deficiency causes a number of health problems.

It is also called the sunshine vitamin. It is very useful for the growth and development of bone and teeth, immunity, positively affects our mood, helps us to absorb calcium.

As a rule, office workers, who spend a lot of time in front of the computers, suffer from this vitamin deficiency.

Sophio Futuridze, an endocrinologist at the National Center of Surgery, talks about vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiency is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Fatigue;
  • Acute bone and muscle pain;
  • Decrease energy to such level that the person is unable to perform daily activities;
  • Weakened immune system;
  • Mood changes;
  • Hair loss.

Vitamin D has a great influence on the skeletal system and its deficiency can cause the rheumatic diseases. Rickets, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, depression, autoimmune diseases - this is a small list of diseases, which have a high risk of developing when the body doesn’t have sufficient amount of vitamin D.

It is unacceptable to take the vitamin D tablets without the doctor's recommendation! If you are experiencing similar complaints, it is desirable to come to the National Center of Surgery and do the special test in our laboratory to determine the amount of vitamin D in your blood. According to this analysis, the endocrinologist will prescribe an adequate dose of this vitamin.

Vitamin D deficiency screening is recommended for people within high-risk groups, for example: patients with osteoporosis, people with malabsorption syndrome, obese people, people with abnormal Vitamin D metabolism, such as chronic kidney disease.

Direct and natural source of vitamin D is sunlight. It is desirable to spend more time outdoors during the sunny weather, because this way our body acquires vitamin D.

Salmon, egg yolk, milk, cereal, yogurt, orange also contain this vitamin. Keep in mind that even though this diet is beneficial, but vitamin D is formed in the skin and stays in blood twice longer when a person enjoys the sunshine.

National Center of Surgery address – Tbilisi, Digomi Chachava street N5.

You can contact the Call-center of the National Center of Surgery at 577 11 91 19 or 2 02 25 25;

If you have some questions, you can contact the endocrinologist of the National Center of Surgery Sophio Futuridzeat 593 25 11 55.

Wish you health!