If you suffer from dizziness, loss of coordination, nausea, ringing in the ears, utilize unprecedented promotion of National Center of Surgery!
For 90 Gel instead of 140 Gel, we offer:
- Doppler of brachiocephalic blood vessels;
- Consultation with a neurologist
Examination of magistral blood vessels of the brain is conducted with the ultramodern ultrasound device TOSHIBA APLIO 500 using which it’s possible to evaluate vascular permeability, detect atherosclerotic damage of blood vessels, asses the grade of stenosis in case of one and so on.
Prompt diagnosis and adequate treatment are one of the essential preconditions for preventing the stroke!
Promotion is valid every Tuesday and Thursday!
Please, make an appointment in advance at (+995) 0322 02 25 25 to utilize the mentioned promotion!
Give us a callWhat are patients interested in
Qauestion:: Hello, I want to know how threatening is hydrocephalus for 19 years old girl and is it enough to treat it with medication and needles
Qauestion:: Symptoms and treatment of Parkinson’s
Numbness in upper and lower extremities
Qauestion:: I feel numbness in upper and lower extremities and as a result, I experience onset of chest pain. Also, this condition lasts day and night. I’m interested in causes of it.
Qauestion:: Hello, I often heave shortness of breath, also headaches (especially when nervous), blurred vision during which I perceive surroundings as if I’m half asleep, feeling fatigued since morning. What do these symptoms mean?
Tinnitus (noise and ringing in the ears)
Qauestion:: Hello, I have noise and ringing in my ears for 3 months. What can be cause of it and how can I treat it. Thank you in advance.
Hemicrania continua
Qauestion:: I’m 74 years old. I’ve suffered from migraine headache since my youth. In menopause, I've experienced many severe difficulties and that’s why it hasn’t alleviated and I’m still suffering from it. I take sleeping pills –donormyl. It helps me to sleep, but I still have a headache in the morning. It alleviates when I take citramon + caffeine. Generally, I need a lot of sleep. I was a very active scientist and lecturer. I still have lectures. How to alleviate headaches?