One more successful method was established at National Center of Surgery.
65 years old patient referred to the clinic with the diagnosis of high-risk prostate adenocarcinoma.
In the news, you will be informed about the following:
What should you know about prostate cancer?
In men, prostate cancer is the most common cancer among oncology diseases.
Commonly, it’s a disease for men over the age of 50, 80% of prostate cancer cases are detected in >65 years old.
Prostate cancer is mostly characterized by silent, asymptomatic progression and in most cases, has late clinical presentations.
It’s divided into risk-groups that are defined by cancer sites, prostate-specific antigen, and Gleason grading system.
For prevention, it’s recommended for all men to visit the clinic and undergo a full study of the prostate once a year.
The exact cause of prostate cancer is unknown, albeit scientists have identified several risk factors, particularly:
- Age;
- Genetic predisposition;
- Afro-American race;
- Motionless and inactive lifestyle;
- Intake of organic compounds;
- Excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco;
- Unhealthy nutrition;
Clinical case
The condition required complex treatment - Hormone therapy and external radiation therapy were conducted. After external radiation therapy following was ordered: HDR brachytherapy in real time planning mode.
What does HDR brachytherapy real time mode mean?
In brachytherapy radiation source is placed directly in the organ damaged by cancer, which means that the treatment method affects the whole mass and subsequently, irradiates exactly the target organ, mass.
HDR prostate brachytherapy means high dose rate irradiation and is used as a monotherapy, as well as in combination with external radiation therapy; monotherapy is appointed for low-risk patients, whereas, combination with external radiation therapy – in medium and high-risk patients.
In this case, brachytherapy as an additional dose irradiates the prostate gland in a way that minimally irradiates surrounding bladder and rectum.
Real time mode means planning in real time.
Under spinal anesthesia, with rectal ultrasound control, the doctor inserts special needles into the prostate gland and determines the target volume. Also, together with a medical physicist, the doctor creates a plan outline on how and how much dose should the target mass be irradiated with.
Why is HDR brachytherapy effective?
This treatment method is distinguished with several essential advantages, for example:
- Better result in terms of cancer solution;
- Effective disease control;
- High dose rate irradiation of diseased target organ that enables us to remove cancerous cells more effectively;
- Minimal risk of side effects;
- Patient returns to the usual rhythm of life much faster.
Radiation oncologist, Brachytherapist Lasha Goginashvili stated – “HDR prostate brachytherapy for the first time was performed at the Radiotherapy Department of National Center of Surgery. This procedure was carried out with so-called real time planning. It’s an immense honor to be one of the creators of the prominent event. A huge thanks to my team, Anesthesiology Department, the leadership of the clinic and pedagogues for writing this history. We discharged the patient on the second day after the procedure”
Patient’s health condition
As Mr. Lasha stated in an interview, the procedure progressed without any complications and as of now, the patient's health condition is satisfactory. Patient returned to the usual rhythm of life and feels well.
Wish you health!
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Qauestion:: Hello, My mother received several courses of chemotherapy, because of metastatic involvement of bone and liver. During that time platelet count significantly decreased and only presented with small skin hemorrhages. In chemotherapy, platelet count sometimes increases or decreases, she simultaneously takes Revolade (50mg) on a daily basis and underwent platelet transfusion several times that had an only short-term effect. Is it possible to find another solution for the mentioned problem at your clinic? Thanks in advance